Antelope Valley Times | Children’s Bureau Receives 2021 BEST Award for Employee Training and Development - All For Kids



Antelope Valley Times | Children’s Bureau Receives 2021 BEST Award for Employee Training and Development

(Los Angeles, CA)  Children’s Bureau, a nonprofit leader in child abuse prevention, was recently awarded the 2021 BEST Award from the American Training & Development Association (ATD) for their exceptional internal learning platform, Children’s Bureau University (CBU).   

Established in 2003, the ATD BEST Award recognizes organizations that understand the importance of using talent development as a strategic business tool to get results and demonstrate enterprise-wide success as a result of that employee talent development.   

Children’s Bureau’s workforce of nearly 500 employees has been working fully remote due to the ongoing pandemic since March 2020. In order to continue necessary training and staff development, the agency quickly transitioned its training and learning catalog to a fully virtual platform as well, referred to as Children’s Bureau University.   

Through the internal university, employees can participate in both self-paced and facilitator-led programs that focus on a variety of studies, including leadership development, work from home readiness, sustainability, and diversity equity and inclusion.  

“Children’s Bureau has long been a steward of supporting people development to further our mission,” said Children’s Bureau Chief People Officer, Kymberly Garrett. “Special recognition goes to our Executive Leadership Team, People Support Services team, and Melvin Valentine, Senior Performance Partner at CBU, for reaching beyond our goal parameters to support Children’s Bureau with best in class and real-time learning programs, even within the time of a pandemic.”  

Children’s Bureau is one of 66 organizations recognized by ADT, other BEST Award recipients include private and public corporations of all sizes, as well as other nonprofit organizations from around the world.  

Children’s Bureau and the other winning organizations will be recognized and ranked at the 2021 ATD Conference later this year and in a special issue of the association’s magazine.   

“To be included with such stellar standout companies is truly an honor and dream come true. I could not be more proud and am certainly thrilled to be recognized with such a prestigious award,” shared Ms. Garrett.     

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