Top 10 Books For Parents of Toddlers
The toddler years are joyful, memorable, and rewarding but can also be challenging. Your little one is no longer a newborn; they’re forming opinions and gaining independence. Resources are available to help you navigate these critical years, from time-outs to potty training and everything in between.
Toddler parenting books are tremendously valuable for gaining the knowledge and insight to navigate your journey. Below are popular titles offering practical childhood guidance.
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen
This self-described “survival guide to life with children ages 2-7” by Joanna Faber and Julie King is a toolkit for common challenges parents of toddlers face. Caregivers will feel empowered to connect with their little ones and transform their relationship from tantrums to picky eating, screaming, and not following directions. As your child grows, check out the companion book, How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk.
The Whole-Brain Child
Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson’s 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind discuss age-appropriate strategies to foster healthy brain development. This book will change your view of your child’s struggles and developing personality.
No-Drama Discipline
The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind, written by the authors of The Whole Brain series, explains how parents should react to challenging behaviors. This book will equip you with tools and toddler discipline strategies to calmly and lovingly connect with your strong-willed child to resolve issues and conflict without shaming or blaming.
Happiest Toddler on The Block
If you want tips to end tantrums from your one-to-four-year-old, The New Way to Stop The Daily Battle of Wills and Raise a Secure and Well-Behaved One- to Four-Year-Old is for you. This book will provide parenting advice and teach you to understand your toddler better so that you can raise a well-behaved child.
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids
How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting discusses ways to connect with your toddler and stay calm in difficult situations based on brain development research. Dr. Laura Markham’s approach is loving, simple, and effective in fostering connections through parent and child bonding activities, which can result in long-lasting change.
Parenting With Love and Logic
This book provides tools based on empathy and understanding to help you develop a respectful, lifelong relationship with your toddler. This positive parenting book will teach you to show love and compassion to your kids and encourage them to do the same. The authors eloquently explain how empathizing with children supports child development, even though it may seem permissive.
8 Secrets to Highly Effective Parenting
This little guidebook includes a step-by-step process for handling your young child’s anger and tantrum outbursts and the eight secrets to becoming a parenting expert, which may be helpful when navigating those moments during the Terrible Twos.
Parenting From The Inside Out
Our childhood experiences shape how we parent our children, for better or worse. In How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive, you’ll explore new findings in neurobiology and attachment research on how our lifelong relationships truly affect our growing connections with our children.
Unconditional Parenting
This incredible book, Moving From Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason, will help you shift your mindset from doing things for your children to doing things with them. You’ll better understand your toddler’s needs and help them through tough developmental moments.
Children Are People, Too
In Unlocking The 8 Secrets to Family Happiness, Dr. Sharon Fried Buchalter will help you give your youngest children a head start in life using a common sense, loving approach. It’s a parenting book and a toolkit for meeting your goals. Every family member can utilize the concepts in this book for a happier, healthier home.
Regardless of the toddler parenting books you choose, we hope they enrich your parenting toolkit and benefit your relationship with your toddler. The days are long, but the years are short. While there will be difficult days, we hope most are joyful and memorable.
Our online blog has the parenting resources you need for this new and exciting time, whether you’re preparing for fatherhood or creating a healthy family at home. For more, visit our website or contact our team of professionals today.