How to Teach Gratitude & Activities for Kids | Children's Bureau



Teaching Kids How to Be Grateful Through Activities

Thanksgiving isn’t the only time we should express gratitude and thankfulness. It’s vital to show and practice it in our day-to-day lives. As parents, teachers, caregivers, and other professionals who work with children and students, it’s critical to teach them the value of gratitude from a young age.

  • “Gratitude” Definition for Kids: appreciating the person or thing that did something good for you or made you happy.
  • “Thankful” Definition for Kids: wanting to thank the person or thing that did something good for you or made you feel happy.

A child who is raised knowing how to feel and express gratitude usually grows up to be well-rounded, with greater mindfulness, self-efficacy, and interpersonal skills. In fact, the benefits of practicing gratitude and being thankful are scientifically proven.

Before we highlight activities and gratitude games for kids, let’s look at the benefits of being grateful.

The Value of Gratitude for Kids

Gratitude Enhances Empathy

According to a 2012 study by the University of Kentucky, research suggests that grateful people are more likely to engage positively, even in the face of aggression, negative feedback, or unkindness. They were less likely to retaliate against others who had wronged them and expressed more empathy and sensitivity toward them.

Gratitude Improves Physical Health

Another study published in 2012 reported that grateful people experienced fewer aches, pains, and ailments than others and lived healthier lives overall. Furthermore, those who scored higher on gratitude scales were more likely to actively engage in self-care practices, exercise more, and schedule regular checkups with their doctors.

Gratitude Improves Sleep

A 2011 study published in Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being reports that those who write down things they are grateful for in a gratitude journal just before bedtime sleep better and longer.

Gratitude Improves Self-Esteem

Gratitude has been shown to reduce social comparisons, improve athletic and social confidence, and appreciate and celebrate the accomplishments of others. A grateful child exhibits these actions and attitudes, improving overall self-esteem.

A list of gratitude quotes from influential people can help.

Gratitude Can Help Individuals Who Have Experienced Trauma

Expressing gratitude reduces stress and may play a major role in overcoming trauma. A study published in 2003 found that it was a major contributor to resilience following the terrorist attacks on September 11. Additionally, a 2006 study found that Vietnam war veterans with higher levels of gratitude experienced lower rates of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Overall, recognizing the things you have to be thankful for, even during the worst times of your life, can be a protective factor in fostering resilience.

Gratitude Improves Psychological Health

Gratitude has been shown to decrease a wide variety of toxic emotions, such as resentment, prolonged anger, envy, persistent sadness, and regret. A grateful attitude is intrinsically linked to a sense of well-being, increasing overall happiness and positive emotions while reducing rates of depression.

Gratitude Improves Relationships

It is important to teach our children to use their manners and say “Please ” and “Thank you” because thanking others for their contributions improves professional and personal relationships. A 2014 study found that those who expressed gratitude well were more likely to make and keep new friends than those who did not (published in Emotion).

How can we instill the value of gratitude in our children? Here are some practical ways.

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” –Zig Ziglar

13 Gratitude Activities for Kids

1. Gratitude Jar

Keep a gratitude jar or thankful jar somewhere accessible. If you are a parent, this may be on your kitchen table. If you are a teacher, it may be on your desk or a special station in the classroom. If you are a therapist, it may be in a prominent place in your office.

Let the kids decorate it with their favorite colors or stickers, if possible. Each day, ask everyone (including yourself!) to write down one thing they’re thankful for and put it in the jar. These gratitude activities can help children reflect during tough days.

2. Gratitude Tree

Similarly, you can build a gratitude tree or a thankful tree together. Cut out leaves, have the kids write what they’re grateful for on them, and hang them on a branch.

3. Gratitude Walk

Take a gratitude walk together. Go on an evening stroll and look for things to be grateful for, like the beautiful leaves, the smell of rain, cars to drive, and friendly neighbors.

4. Letters

Have the kids write letters of gratitude to people they do not know personally, such as police officers, military personnel, the fire department, school administrators, bank tellers, and hospital employees. Hand-deliver the letters with a special treat or mail them when possible.

5. Thank You Cards

Another great option is writing thank you cards to people you know. You can write a thank-you letter to mom or dad, grandma or grandpa for birthday gifts, or a particular teacher or pediatrician. Even your mailman or garbage truck drivers deserve appreciation!

6. Gratitude Collage

Make a collage of things you and your children appreciate. Look through magazines or pull up images online to print. Then, paste them together for a gratitude collage and display them proudly.

7. Alphabet Thanks

Play the “alphabet thanks” game. Have kids randomly pick a letter of the alphabet and ask them to come up with one thing they’re thankful for that starts with that letter.

8. Gratitude by Numbers

Similarly, roll a pair of dice or pick a number between 1 and 10. Based on the number, have kids name the many things they love in this gratitude game.

9. Gratitude Journal

A gratitude journal for kids can have an amazingly positive effect on their happiness. You can set them in the right direction by asking them to write down a few things they are grateful for each day. Research shows that journaling has positive benefits for physical health and psychological well-being.

10. Family Gratitude Book

This is similar to the individual gratitude journal but is created together as a family. Family members should add photos, notes, drawings, and mementos of anything they feel strongly about. It’s a good idea to keep it visible and add to it regularly, such as once a month at a family meeting or on birthdays and special holidays.

11. Volunteering

Get the kids involved in the community. Gather food for a food bank or serve meals at a homeless shelter. Research organizations in your area that offer service opportunities. Service to others teaches gratitude in ways that many other things can’t.

12. Donating

Donating helps your children understand how fortunate they are and everything they have to be grateful for, whether it be a roof over their heads, clothing, toys, or a loving family. When your child outgrows their clothes or toys, encourage them to donate them to families and children in need.

Research the donation centers or charities in your community and involve your children by taking them with you to donate.

Your family or organization could also hold a garage sale to raise funds. You can donate the money raised to a cause you and your children find together or use it to buy groceries for your local food bank.

13. Reading Books

Books are a fantastic and fun way to teach your children about core values and morals. Reading to them from a young age and helping them learn to read recreationally can reap lifelong rewards. Fortunately, there are many great children’s books about practicing gratitude!

Check out a few of our favorites:

Giving Thanks with Max

In this book by Todd and Jackie Courtney, Max the Mouse teaches the “power of gratitude” by showing the reader how he is thankful for everything in his life. All of the Max Rhymes books are written and illustrated to help children learn to read and develop in areas like the expression of gratefulness and overall happiness. Just like prior generations remember traditional nursery rhymes, future ones may remember these positive thoughts at the subconscious level as they grow older.

The Giving Tree

Since it was first published 50 years ago, Shel Silverstein’s engaging picture book has offered a touching interpretation of the gift of giving and another’s capacity to love in return. The book is about a lifelong relationship between a selfless tree and an initially selfish child who grows to realize that he has both friendship and unconditional love for which to be eternally grateful.

An Awesome Book Of Thanks!

“An Awesome Book of Thanks!” by Dallas Clayton is a beautifully written and fantastically illustrated story inspired by the idea of being thankful for all you have. It takes readers of all ages on a walk through a world of magical unicorns, robotic dinosaurs, and all of life’s simple present moments, great and small. This timeless tale is sure to be an instant classic and is perfect for anyone looking for a reminder of just how beautiful life can be.

Grateful: A Song of Giving Thanks

This picture book and accompanying CD joyfully celebrate the beauty of the seasons, the wonders of nature, and the blessings of faith. Children and adults of all ages can treasure it. It teaches kids to wonder at our world and be grateful for our everyday blessings.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

This guide to daily happiness is not just for kids. We all need reminders of the benefits of positive thinking and behavior. It’s an important lesson for children, older kids, and adults alike that showing kindness and appreciation for others goes a long way to making this world happier for everyone, including ourselves. The author, Carol McCloud, uses a simple metaphor of an “invisible bucket” that we each carry around.

Kind words and actions “fill” others’ buckets and make them feel good, while unkind ones detract from them. When you’re a “bucket filler,” you make the world better. This 32-page picture book is perfect for children, parents, grandparents, teachers, and people who want to teach:

  • Teach empathy.
  • Nurture kindness with loved ones.
  • Create a positive environment in their home, classroom, workplace, and community.

Additionally, this book can be a tremendous resource when working with kids who are overcoming any adverse childhood experiences or trauma. It can help give children a voice and the words to say when they feel like their own bucket is being emptied. It also teaches them to show and practice gratitude to the people in their lives.

The Blankful Heart

“The Blankful Heart” by Mr. Meus is a fun and touching tale written in Dr. Seuss-style rhyme. It tells how the big-bellied Billy Babble cures his heart of its blanks. The Babbles in Babbleland have way too much stuff. Once Billy, the richest of them all, begins to feel like something is missing, he sets out on a quest to fill his empty heart. The moral of this quirky story is, “A grateful heart is a happy heart.”

The Thankful Book

“The Thankful Book” celebrates all the little things for which children can give thanks. Author Todd Parr inspires readers to appreciate life’s special moments, from everyday activities like reading and bath time to big family meals and special alone time between parent and child. The fun cartoons and inspirational phrases will encourage your young child to celebrate what makes their heart most grateful.

Gratitude must be practiced, as with any value in our lives. We must help our children practice showing it as we teach them the importance of feeling thankful for the good things in our lives. Here, we’ve shared some ways to cultivate a lifestyle of thankfulness and mindfulness.

Teaching gratitude will help your children grow up to be well-rounded, empathic, and caring adults, no matter which activities you choose to incorporate. There is nothing quite like investing in the future of our world. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, caregiver, social worker, educator, or another professional working with children, know that you are making a difference. All For Kids is grateful for you!


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