Creating a Safe & Open Home Environment
Everyone needs a secure and stable home, especially children. A place where they feel physically, socially, and emotionally safe is imperative for healthy development and a successful future. Children who feel connected to their caretakers and home exhibit fewer at-risk behaviors later in childhood.
You must provide a consistently safe environment to build a meaningful relationship with your child and prepare them for the future. First and foremost is the child’s physical safety. In addition to a home free from neglect and abuse, it is important to keep children away from household dangers like open windows, electrical cords and outlets, hot surfaces, toxic substances, weapons, and sharp objects. Check your smoke detector regularly and ensure your child knows what to do in a fire, earthquake, or other emergency. Have and practice an escape plan!
Creating a safe and open home environment for your child goes beyond meeting their basic survival needs. Food and shelter are essential for nurturing a child, but we can underestimate or overlook small things that offer an open and supportive emotional environment. The people and world around us greatly affect our growth. Building an atmosphere of openness and comfort is imperative for raising a happy, healthy child ready to take on the world.
Here are simple ways to help a child feel whole and happy at home:
Don’t Yell
Think back to the last time someone yelled at you. How did it make you feel? Sad, angry, or both? No one likes to be yelled at, and children are no exception.
We all make mistakes or imperfect decisions. Children should learn that it’s okay to make mistakes without feeling shame or anger. Shouting can cause fear and anger in children and may harm future communication.
Next time your child drives you up the wall or acts out, try speaking softly instead of raising your voice. This technique helps strip away your anger or impatience and gets them to listen. If they pay closer attention, they’ll understand why a behavior change is necessary.
Always communicate your expectations clearly and kindly. Calm, hushed tones can make them feel like an equal and increase their chances of taking what you’ve said to heart. Have them repeat back what you’ve said. Saying these expectations out loud will help them remember and improve next time.
Let Them Be Kids
Playtime is essential for learning motor and social skills. They shouldn’t hang off the ceiling fan or draw on the walls, but the freedom to explore and express themselves physically is crucial to their development. Encourage curiosity and creativity by allowing safe, controlled discovery. Nurture their sense of adventure while ensuring unsafe items are out of the way. Keep potentially dangerous items (e.g., cleaning products, choking hazards, sharp objects) away and allow room to play, imagine, build, and dream.
Contrary to the media’s claims, children don’t need boxes of the latest toys, just a few special ones. Ensure the books, toys, and games are age-appropriate and exciting. Stimulating activities allow for better learning and growth.
Give them opportunities to play with other children. Interacting with peers can benefit their social and emotional well-being. They’ll see how their actions affect others and learn about themselves.
Read to Them
Reading aloud to young children is often cited as the most essential way to ensure they develop language skills for effective communication later in life. Start even before they can talk. Exposure to books at a young age prepares them for school and grows their imaginations. The intimacy of this activity also provides prime bonding time.
Set Good Examples
Children notice everything. They hear and see things we think they don’t. Always be aware of your actions and words around them. They absorb more than we give them credit for. These quickly developing little mimics look to adults for direction, and setting a good example means being honest and kind and not smoking or eating unhealthy foods. Let them see you making good choices for healthy growth and success.
Stay Positive
We all face challenges in life, and we might respond to those negatively. When difficulties arise, it can be easy to forget that having a negative attitude will likely lead to more negativity in the future. Don’t let it become a pattern. If your children see your negative response, they’ll likely react similarly. Try to see the bright side and use encouraging words. It allows them to be hopeful. Even when disciplining, use kind words to avoid further hurt feelings or lowered self-esteem.
Be Consistent
Be consistent in your childcare approach to develop good behavior patterns. These strategies won’t work if a child is confused about expectations. It’s important to understand their behavior in external environments so get to know their teachers, daycare staff, or afterschool program leader.
Be Honest and Straightforward
Phrases like “because I said so” or “those are just the rules” aren’t helpful for a child trying to understand societal participation. To model respect, explain why these things matter. While it might seem easier to rush through awkward conversations, resist that urge. Build your bond by being open. They’ll respect you more and relate better to others. Children ask many questions, and we don’t have all the answers. It’s okay to say, “I don’t know.” What’s important is nurturing their desire to learn about the world. Encourage their curiosity. Use their questions to bond and suggest finding out the answers together. They’ll appreciate your honesty and develop a love for learning.
Show Affection
We can’t overstate the importance of showing affection to your child. Hug. Cuddle. Show concern when upset and ask why they feel that way. Talk about their day or interests. Let them express their feelings and show yours. Demonstrating love and care fosters their empathy. Kindness and encouragement help them build healthy, lasting relationships.
So much of a child’s success later in life depends on their early home experiences. Don’t just give them basic life tools. Give them the extraordinary advantage of healthy emotional development by knowing your unwavering support is there every step of the way.