Network Anaheim - All For Kids

Network Anaheim

Connecting people across Anaheim so children, youth, and families can thrive.

About Network Anaheim                                                                                                         

Founded in 2014 as a Children’s Bureau Place-Based Strategy, Network Anaheim works to connect people across the city that are working to make positive community changes. Place-based approaches are highly collaborative and involve a range of partners working together on complex problems. They have a strong focus on people and place. Network Anaheim brings together community members, nonprofit partners, school districts, businesses and other partners to create equitable opportunities for all children and families to thrive.

Network Anaheim leverages numerous strategies—from strengthening Family Resource Centers as service hubs, to gathering key data on child and family well-being, to engaging community residents as leaders.

By building bridges across organizations, working with residents, creating new spaces and systems for sharing resources and data, and spurring innovative solutions, Network Anaheim increases the capacity of our community to help children, youth, and families thrive.

Mission: Network Anaheim is a place-based strategy that connects and builds the capacity of people, resources, and neighborhoods to advance our 4 pillars of a thriving community: Move Well/Eat Well, Learn Well, Think Well, Live Well.

Vision: All children, youth, and families thriving in Anaheim

For more information on place based initiatives similar to Network Anaheim, please visit The Population Change Institute.

Here’s how we work:

By catalyzing energy, knowledge, and commitment from across Anaheim communities, Network Anaheim facilitates the creation of innovative, evidence-based solutions to help children and families learn, work, play, and live well.

Network Partners focus on eight primary areas that are crucial to the well-being of children, youth, and families:

  • Move Well/Eat Well – Children, youth and families are active and eat healthy.
  • Learn Well – Children and youth are ready to learn, succeed in school and are college and career ready. This area also focuses on Early Developmental Index (EDI) Data and Community Schools.
  • Think Well – Children, youth, and families are socially and emotionally healthy and have mental health supports.
  • Live Well – Children, youth, and families are economically self- sufficient. This area also focuses on Collaboration to Assist Motel Families (CAMF)  and McKinney-Vento homeless education.
  • Active Older Adults
  • Youth Services – Accelerate Change Together Anaheim and After School Programs
  • Family Services
  • Medical Supports and Services


Network Anaheim Organizations

Network Map

Interested in joining our efforts? Contact Leah Duenas Torres at

To learn more, read our 2022 newsletter here.