Hope Talks are Intimate Panel Discussions on Child Well-Being | All For Kids

Hope Talks

Hope Talks are a curated, informational, conversational, and intimate event series featuring thought leadership on today’s issues affecting vulnerable children and families.

What is "Hope Talks"?

Hope Talks are a curated, informational, conversational, and intimate event series featuring thought leadership on today’s issues affecting vulnerable children and families. Hope Talks are a benefit to our Partners in Hope donors as well as individuals who are interested investing in All For Kids at the Partners in Hope level.

Hosted in private locations throughout Los Angeles and Orange County, each talk features a panel of experts discussing various topics and answering pivotal questions.

Please join us for our next Hope Talks Event, sponsored by EY and hosted by Bank of America on June 17, 2025 in Century City.  Our speakers are Jolene Treadway, President of CA Mental Health Advocates for Children and Youth,  Gina Peck-Soblewski, CPO, St.Anne’s, and Kim Turner, Founder and Executive Director, Patrick’s Purpose Foundation, moderated by Jeffrey L. Jamerson, PhD, Senior Director of Behavioral Health Services at All For Kids.

The event will be located at Bank of America, Century Plaza Towers, 2049 Century Park Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Hope Talks is free and lunch will be provided.

Please contact Kathleen Vincent for more information, phone 323-541-3142 or email kathleenvincent@allforkids.org.


Hope Talks Sponsorship Opportunities and Benefits

Sponsorship opportunities are available to interested individuals and organizations. For more information, please contact BuildHope@allforkids.org.

  • Naming Opportunity of an Individual Hope Talk  
  • Formal personal/company introduction featured at the Talk  
  • Website and Media Listing 
  • Public Relations and Social Media Integration 
  • Annual Report Listing  

Topics to be addressed may include:

  • Why Equity is a Vital Component of Child Welfare Planning
  • Early Childhood Education: How it Impacts Economic Success
  • Trauma Informed Care: What It Is and Why It’s Important

Join Hope Talks As A Panelist, Sponsor, or Guest.

If you are an expert or author in the field of child abuse prevention, treatment, or advocacy, and would like to be considered a panelist, we want to hear from you. Similarly if you are intereted in sponsoring a talk or attending one as a donor. Please contact us using the form to the right and we will be in touch with you soon.

See pictures of past events