Frequently Asked Questions About Philanthropy | All For Kids

Philanthropy FAQs

How Can I Make a Gift?

  • Online
    Make a gift online by following this link.
  • By Mail
    In the check’s memo section, please designate where you would like to allocate the gift. Examples include:

    • Build Hope Annual Campaign Fund
    • Endowment Fund
    • Antelope Valley Capital Campaign Fund
  • By Phone
    • The Philanthropy Team via 1-855-685-HOPE (4673)
  • By Email

Does All For Kids Accept Gifts of Stock and other Securities?


Take advantage of appreciated securities while avoiding capital gains tax by making a donation of your assets.

Your broker may transfer securities to:
Brokerage: Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Broker Rep: Donna L. Herme
Phone: 805.374.8156 (direct)
Branch: 800.654.5954, ext. 200
Account #: 496-116439-506
DTC #: 0015

If you would like to inform us that your gift is on the way or to obtain a gift receipt, please contact Nesha Crossman, Chief Development Officer, via

What Is Planned Giving or Legacy Giving?

Planned giving encompasses a variety of philanthropic strategies that help you provide for charity while also advancing your own financial and personal objectives. Planned giving is also synonymous with legacy giving and includes life plans, bequests, charitable trusts, charitable annuities, and estate planning. Our legacy program is called The Society of 1904. Learn more about making a life plan that benefits vulnerable children and families.

Why Should I Donate Online?

Online credit card donations are easy, secure and convenient, and allow us to receive your funds faster. When you give through our safe and secure website, you also save on the cost of postage.

Are Donations Tax Deductible?

Yes, to the fullest extent of the law. Please check with your own tax advisor.

Will I Receive a Receipt?

Anyone who donates a gift online will receive an online confirmation and receipt. Hard-copy receipts can be made available for gifts of $250 and above. We are also happy to provide an annual giving statement totaling all gifts for the year.

What Is the All For Kids’ Employee Identification Number (Ein), Also Known as a Federal Tax Identification Number?

Our EIN is 95-1690975.

What if I Need a Receipt?

Please email your request to

How Quickly Will My Donation Be Processed?

Your online donation is typically processed within 24 hours of receipt. Processing for physical checks mailed to the office may take one to three days. Other payment methods vary. During holidays, processing may take up to one week.

What Is a Matched Gift?

A matching gift is when an individual gives to a nonprofit organization and their employer donates an equal or greater amount to the same organization. A matching gift is a great way for a donor to increase his or her contribution to the All For Kids.

How Do I Figure Out if My Company Will Match My Gift to CCF?

The Benefits or Human Resources Office of your employer (or your spouse’s employer) will be able to provide necessary information on their Matching Gift Program, and the method that is used to facilitate matching requests. Our Philanthropy Team will credit matching gifts to the same fund as your original gift unless you request otherwise, or when the policies of the company prohibit donations to particular funds (in which case gifts will be credited to our General Fund).

How Do I Get My Company to Match My Gift?

Companies have various methods by which they can submit their matching gift requests to All For Kids, including paper forms, online forms (which you can print from the internet), and phone verification systems.

Can I Make a Confidential (Anonymous) Donation?

Yes, you can. Giving an anonymous gift means your donation is kept private from the public, but the Philanthropy Team will have your private information in our database. In the event you want to keep your giving confidential, please send a note to that effect along with your check, or add a note to your online gift.

Can I Make My Gift in Honor or in Memory of Someone?

Yes, you can. If giving online, be sure to check the box that says “I would like to dedicate this gift” If mailing your donation, be sure to add a note with honoree information.

Will My Gift Count in the Build Hope Annual Campaign?

Most likely. Right now, we have several active campaigns. Gifts from institutions, individuals, sponsorships, and special events that occur after July 1 counts in the fiscal year of that particular campaign unless they are specially designated otherwise.

What if I Need Additional Help Making a Gift?

Everyone at All For Kids is here to help. Contact the Philanthropy Team for more information.

I’d Like to Visit the Philanthropy Team. When Are You Available?

The Philanthropy Team keeps a hybrid work schedule operating from the office at Magnolia Place, our homes, and meeting those who invest in the mission in person. Unless there is a holiday, we maintain open office hours on Tuesdays from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. We are also available to meet with you at Magnolia Place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays or at mutually convenient locations and times with an appointment. To schedule an appointment contact