Black Infant Health - All For Kids

Black Infant Health

The BIH Program focuses exclusively on empowering Black and African American women by connecting them with the vital care and support needed to promote healthy behaviors during pregnancy and continuing after her baby is born.


Racism, as well as social and economic stressors, play a major role in poor birth outcomes—babies born too early and too small—for Black women. Within a culturally supportive environment, and honoring the unique history of Black women, California Black Infant Health (BIH) aims to help women have healthy babies.

BIH implements an evidence-informed intervention that uses a group-based approach, where participants get to meet, interact and build a sisterhood with other Black women. Group sessions are complemented with client-centered life planning, goal setting and referrals to services for participants and their families. This powerful combination serves to help women enhance life skills, learn proven strategies to reduce stress and build social support. Ultimately, this two-pronged approach impacts not only participants themselves, but future generations of Black women, infants and families. Learn more about the California Black Infant Health Program.


Black Maternal Health & Birth Statistics

  • Black babies are more than twice as likely as White babies to die before their first birthday.
  • Black babies have higher rates of infant mortality, low birth weight, and prematurity than any other ethnic group.
  • One in every seven Black infants in California is born too soon and too small.
  • Black women are much more likely than White women to die of pregnancy related complications.
  • Black women at all income levels and social statuses experience worse birth outcomes.

Sign Up

BIH programs are open to all Black women who are 18 years or older, pregnant or up to six months postpartum at the time of enrollment regardless of income. Services are free and provided by Family Health Advocates, Group Facilitators, Public Health Nurses and Mental Health Workers.

Please fill out the form to indicate your interest in BIH. A BIH coordinator in your area will be in touch with you.

Empowering pregnant and mothering Black women.