April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Every April, people in the U.S. seek to raise awareness of childhood abuse and prevention. Whether we donate our time as advocates or share ideas, we can all play pivotal roles in enhancing the lives of children and young people.
Healthy childhood development means a thriving, engaged community. It means children won’t face devastating issues like abuse and maltreatment, which can prevent them from becoming happy, thriving adults.
Prevent Child Abuse America, a national nonprofit with chapters in all 50 states, is working to ensure healthy, happy childhoods. Founded in 1972, they’re updating the previous year’s abuse prevention campaigns to “Building Together: Prevention in Partnership,” which focuses on deepening their message.
The theme emphasizes that all community members play a role in ensuring children have positive experiences and families have the necessary resources before a crisis. Child abuse and neglect are preventable, and all communities benefit when children and families are well supported.
Today is the perfect time to learn and work with advocates preventing child abuse and neglect, whether you’re a volunteer, coach, teacher, or caregiver, ready and willing to spot and prevent child abuse.
With the right resources, we can create nurturing environments, understand the epidemic of child abuse, and prevent the problem before it begins.
History of Child Abuse Prevention Month
The first federal legislation to protect children from abuse, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), was passed in 1974.
In the early 1980s, Congress recognized the ongoing neglect of children and committed to implementing various solutions for childhood abuse. According to the Children’s Assessment Center in Houston, Texas, the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives designated the week of June 6-12, 1982, as the first National Child Abuse Prevention Week.
Shortly thereafter, in 1983, the first National Child Abuse Prevention Month was designated in April. Government agencies and the public were asked to observe the week with ceremonies and activities to promote healthy families through community support and social connection.
The Blue-Ribbon Campaign to Prevent Child Abuse began in 1989 as a Virginia grandmother’s tribute to her grandson, who died from abuse, according to the Children’s Assessment Center Houston. She tied a blue ribbon to her car to raise awareness. Since then, the campaign has spread nationwide. In April, people wear ribbons in memory of those lost to childhood violence.
Today, fundraisers or candlelight vigils are held to remember and honor the positive messages shared by the communities working to end child abuse and maltreatment. In 2004, national child abuse organizations and related federal agencies agreed to engage in public efforts to strengthen and support families and enhance parenting skills, according to CAC Houston.
Building on this national momentum, OCAN [Office of Child Abuse and Neglect] has shifted the focus of its child abuse prevention resources to incorporate a family-strengthening message promoting parenting and community support. Today, the Child Abuse Prevention Initiative offers communities an opportunity to support families, raise happy children, and keep them safe and secure.
In 2016, U.S. President Barack Obama continued the National Childhood Abuse Prevention Month tradition with a proclamation stating, “During National Child Abuse Prevention Month, we recommit to giving every child a chance to succeed and to ensuring that every child grows up in a safe, stable, and nurturing environment that is free from abuse and neglect.”
How To Get Involved This Month
Research shows that people nationwide are becoming more involved in preventing child abuse. A Prevent Child Abuse America study shows that 80% of Americans donated goods, money, or time to support children and families. 70% volunteered with kids through schools, sports clubs, etc. 56% mentored a child in their community, family, or neighborhood.
97% of adults said they would act on behalf of youth to ensure child safety but aren’t sure what steps to take. However, this might be easier than you think.
Many people are contributing to the healthy development of children. Prevent Child Abuse America is encouraging the public to learn about three specific actions: mentoring children and parents, advocating for family-friendly policies, and donating time and money to help prevent child abuse nationwide.
Prevent Child Abuse America offers additional suggestions for involvement beyond the ideas mentioned. These include:
- Volunteering to staff an after-school program like a sports or academic team.
- Mentoring a new parent by reaching out to your neighbor and offering to help, like babysitting or cooking.
- Advocating for federal and state policies that support children and families, like home visiting programs and family resource centers.
- Learning about local schools’ or churches’ abuse prevention curricula and advocating for one if none exists.
- Donating time to organizations supporting children by tutoring or volunteering for local mentorship programs.
- Donating money to organizations that fight for children and families.
In addition, Prevent Child Abuse America mentions Five Protective Factors that might help parents at risk of abusing their children.
- Parental Resilience
- Social Connections
- Concrete Support in Times of Need
- Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
- Social and Emotional Competence of Children
Understanding these factors helps strengthen communities. Protective factors impact and encourage positivity in a child’s life, from sports to support groups.
Know the Signs of Child Abuse
According to the CDC, “at least 1 in 7 children in the U.S. experienced child abuse or neglect last year.” This is underestimated due to unreported cases. In 2020, 1,750 children died of abuse and neglect in the U.S. A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds, and 91% of perpetrators are parents. In the U.S., 4 to 5 children die daily from abuse or neglect.
Despite the topic’s difficulty, it’s crucial to know the signs of child abuse so we can work together as a society to prevent it.
The foundation notes child abuse “are acts that result in serious harm or risk,” including physical violence, sexual abuse, exploitation, and death. They also consider failing to stop the harm as child abuse. They define child neglect as “the failure to provide a child’s basic needs,” from clean clothing to medical care.
The effects of childhood abuse and neglect vary in children’s responses. Some suffer lifelong trauma and lasting effects, while others recover quickly.
Joyful Heart Foundation notes several factors that can influence children’s trauma responses.
- Factors include age, developmental status, types of abuse and/or neglect, duration and severity of abuse, and the relationship between the child and perpetrator.
- Physical signs and effects include bruises, welts, scrapes, cuts, burn marks, head trauma, weakened brain development, sprains or broken bones, difficulty walking or sitting, torn, stained, or bloody clothing, poor hygiene, and more.
- Psychological effects include anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, withdrawal, dissociation, relationship difficulties, flashbacks, and persistent fear.
- Noted behavioral effects include self-harm, eating disorders, substance abuse, sleep issues, discomfort with physical contact, repeating grades, frequent school absences, and criminal activity.
The Foundation states, “Perpetrators often convince and manipulate children to lie or be silent about their abuse, making it hard to recognize signs of child abuse and neglect.”
Children can feel confused, ashamed, or guilty. This can make them feel isolated or alone. If you notice any signs (physical, psychological, or behavioral), monitor the situation. If you suspect child abuse, there are steps to report abuse.
By recognizing the signs, we can work together to prevent abuse and neglect. We can positively impact child victims’ lives nationwide by uniting businesses, neighbors, schools, families, and friends. We can promote child safety and awareness and help prevent abuse.
We can keep our children happy by offering guidance and support on healing from emotional abuse and creating a safe talking space. We can also do this through community mentoring, coaching in a sports league, volunteering at local schools, or connecting with families.
We can advocate for children by contacting our elected officials and asking them to support programs that prevent child abuse and neglect.
Every April, you’re making a difference, whether wearing blue, supporting the cause on social media, or planting a pinwheel garden in your front yard.
Significant societal changes can happen locally. Start where you are with what you have — and know you’re making a difference. Your influence matters in the lives of children nationwide and in your community.
Thank you for making our world a better place from all of us at All For Kids.
2023: Updated by Laura Campaña, Director of Strategy and Innovation, Children’s Bureau of Southern California