Our Stand Against Racism - All For Kids



Our Stand Against Racism

There is not a more relevant time than now for Children’s Bureau of Southern California to make this declaration:

Racism is detrimental to helping all children thrive in strong families and communities. We call upon our national and local elected leaders, business communities, faith-based organizations, non-profit organizations, and private citizens to condemn and resist racist and anti-Semitic hate, to oppose institutional racism and individual acts of racism, and to work towards inclusive communities, neighborhoods and businesses that offer opportunities for ALL to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

Children’s Bureau of Southern California’s vision is that all children will thrive in strong families and communities.  We work to protect vulnerable children through prevention, treatment, and advocacy. We have been a stellar non-profit company serving Southern California’s vulnerable children for 110+ years! We are also a significant contributor at the national level to building the capacity of organizations, improving systems, and strengthening public policies that will help all children thrive in strong families and communities.

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