Kids & Technology: Top Parenting Tips | Children's Bureau



Kids & Technology: Top Parenting Tips

There are many stories about the dangers of excessive screen time. Obesity and depression are too common in young people, and with advances in technology, cell phone use is rising. Parents can feel they’ve lost control over their child’s screen time, but with the following boundaries and guidelines, limits can effectively decrease the negative effects of technology on children and teenagers.

Infants to Toddlers

New parents deserve a much-needed break now and then, but using a screen as a babysitter is damaging to children at this developmental stage. In 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics released technology guidelines for young ones that focused on the importance of increasing activity in infants, babies, and toddlers.

While face-to-face interactions are better, children at this age also enjoy musical programs. As they reach different developmental stages, parents can work with their child on tummy time, crawling, standing, and early walking while watching and listening to active programs that engage the child.

Parents can watch programs with their children and explain what’s happening and how they can relate it to real life.

School-Age Children

As children age, parents must find the right technology approach for their child. There is no perfect solution for all kids, and quality screen time is important. Previewing what they watch gives parents greater control in choosing beneficial programs. The Mayo Clinic has the following suggestions for young school-age children:

  • Seek interactive options that engage children.
  • Use parental controls.
  • Ensure your child is close and you can see what they’re watching.
  • Ask what programs and apps they used that day.
  • Discuss your child’s viewing habits and explain commercials and advertising.

Even with parental controls, parents can lose track of what their child sees with friends. It’s important for them to prepare for these situations when possible. Talk to your child about what they could see online and how to react.

Tweens and Teenagers

Teenagers often sit for hours in front of a screen. With kids using cell phones and computers, their lives can revolve around screens. Parents may feel it’s impossible, but with a few small changes, screen time can be limited.

Model Healthy Behaviors

‘Do what I say, not what I do’ isn’t going to work here. Parents who spend excessive time on their phones or in front of a screen can only expect their teens to do the same. Before creating rules for your child’s screen time, they must address their own first.

Discourage Multitasking

How often have you seen your child sitting in front of the TV while typing on their phone? How often do you do the same? Studies show productivity diminishes without full focus on one project at a time. Parents need to discuss this with their teenagers and discourage them from using multiple screens at once.

Encourage Physical Activity

Public schools provide teenagers with physical activity opportunities, but another simple way to keep your child healthy is walking or yard work. Include physical activities in family outings and encourage them whenever possible.

Educate Your Child About Media

Advertisements and commercials are a tool of corporations. Children don’t automatically know this and can be fooled into thinking they need a product. Parents should talk to their kids regularly about the media they’re seeing and how it’s used to manipulate them.

No Electronics During Meals

Family mealtimes can be perfect for bonding with your child, but cell phone or TV interruptions weaken that time. Have everyone put down their phones and turn off the TV.

Allow Your Teen to Contribute to Family Screen Time Rules

Take the time to meet and address the issue of excessive screen time. Your teenager may surprise you and have already noticed the detrimental health effects. Let them take an active role in this discussion, and their willingness to change may improve.

Balancing children’s access to technology may overwhelm parents who are trying to manage screen time. Visit our parental blog to learn more about screen time limits and guidelines, as well as ideas for screen-free family activities.

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