Warning Signs for Child Abuse & Neglect
Child abuse can occur in more ways than just physical injury. Emotional abuse and neglect, which are forms of child maltreatment that aren’t as easy to detect, often leave deep scars. Regardless of the type of child abuse and neglect, the resulting emotional neglect and mental health damage can prevent children from having a normal childhood. Learning and identifying the warning signs can make a huge difference in a child’s life. The earlier kids get help, the better chance they have at healing. Below, we’ve put together a list of some of the most common traits found in children who are abused physically, emotionally, or through neglect.
Detecting Abuse and Neglect
Child abuse isn’t always blatant. By becoming familiar with the most common signs of physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect, you can catch the issues as early as possible to get the child the appropriate treatment they need. It’s important to keep in mind that just because a child displays one of these warning signs doesn’t necessarily mean that the child is being abused or neglected. However, if you notice a pattern of warning signs for suspected child abuse, they are likely in need of help.
Signs of Physical Abuse:
- Recurrent injuries, often appearing in patterns, such as unexplained bruises, cuts, or even broken bones
- Alert behavior: The child always seems to expect something terrible to happen.
- They often wear clothing that covers up their skin, even in warm weather.
- The child seems afraid to go home, which could be an indicator of family violence or other domestic issues.
- The child startles easily, shies away from touch, or shows other skittish behavior.
Signs of Emotional Abuse:
- Constantly seems fearful or anxious about doing something wrong
- Withdrawn from peers and adults
- Behavior fluctuates between extremes (i.e., extremely cooperative or highly demanding).
- Acting either inappropriately beyond their age (like an older child or adult, taking care of other children) or inappropriately younger than their age (like a younger child or infant, throwing tantrums)
- Frequent nightmares, night terrors, or sleep disturbances
Warning Signs of Child Neglect:
- Dirty, ill-fitting clothes
- Expresses hunger
- Illnesses and unexplained injuries often go untreated.
- The child is often late or missing from school.
- They are frequently left alone or unsupervised by an adult caregiver at home.
- The child consistently has terrible hygiene, including unbathed, dirty hair and body odor.
- Allowed to play in dangerous environments and doesn’t have a curfew or bedtime.
How To Help an Abused or Neglected Child
Look out for these physical indicators, behavioral indicators, and maltreatment examples. If you suspect that a young child in your community has been abused in any of the ways discussed above, there are several ways you can help. Although child abuse and neglect may be a particularly overwhelming subject to talk about, your help can make a huge difference in an abused child’s life. Whether you notice the warning signs on your own or a child comes to you for help, it’s important to be calm, reassuring, and supportive. As difficult as it may be for you to talk about, remember that it is also very challenging for the child.
Talking to an abused child:
- Remain calm. If a young child detects that you are shocked or disgusted about the situation, the child may be afraid to confide in you. Although it may be hard, it’s essential to be as comforting as possible.
- Let them know they are not to blame. The child needs to be reassured that they didn’t do anything wrong and are not at fault for the abuse they have suffered. Reassurance can be one of the first steps for healing from emotional abuse as a child.
- Don’t interrogate. Be mindful not to ask too many questions or speak to the child in a harsh or demanding tone. Regardless of age, let them explain things in their own words and respond conversationally rather than with a list of questions.
- If you feel your or the child’s safety may be at risk if you try to step in, it’s okay to leave it to professionals. You can also take steps to report abuse.
To report Child Abuse in Los Angeles, CA, please contact the Department of Children and Family Services Child Protection Hotline, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Toll-free within California: (800) 540-4000
- Outside California: (213) 639-4500
- TDD [Hearing Impaired]: (800) 272-6699
- For additional services for people who are hard of hearing, please click here.