Dear Friends,
Wow — what an extraordinary year it's been for Children's Bureau. Growth in our operating budget, opening of two new sites, investment in our people and the infrastructure that supports their work, and increased efforts to promote our trusted brand both internally and externally. Big and small victories in all areas of the agency that, together, helped 50,000 vulnerable children and their parents to thrive.

Children's Bureau continued its rich history of innovation thanks to your continued support and belief in furthering our mission. However, with a report of child abuse still being made every 10 seconds we need you to help us do more, and to do better. Children's Bureau remains fully committed to providing treatment where it's appropriate. In fact, it's the largest part of our programming.
But what can we do differently?
Activating all sectors of community, including business and government, is critical. The overall consequences of child maltreatment — poverty, crime, homelessness, addition, truancy, chronic health issues, etc. — are estimated be more than $80 billion each year. We have to engage strategies that are effective, sustainable, and directed to the general population that strengthen community and families before maltreatment occurs. This is called Primary Prevention.
Children develop within a network of family relationships that exist within a community. We must focus on the well-being of every child by investing in a family's capacity to care for their children and in strengthening their community. These communities, in all their definitions, have the best chance of helping families and responding to their needs. As you'll read, we've made great strides in our prevention efforts, such as the family enrichment community program, that reflect this shift in thinking.
Our visionary momentum continues because of you. Thank you for creating parenthood, childhood and neighborhood together.
With deep appreciation,

Ronald E. Brown, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Children's Bureau of Southern California

At Children's Bureau, we know firsthand how small, individual successes can lead to bigger, broader successes. This year was certainly no exception as we continued to be recognized and called upon as a thought leader and collaborator across all areas of the agency. Here are some of those moments that we proudly celebrate with you. After all, we can't do this alone and you helped us reach beyond what we could ever imagine.

Children's Bureau's unique approach to child abuse prevention goes beyond direct services. We help other organizations with innovative tools and training and we're working to define the future of child well-being through large-scale community change. Here are just a few examples of your investment in action.
at-risk children and parents served through 20 Southern California community sites.

69% of parents surveyed in our Family Enrichment Program reported they or other family members read or shared a book with their child at least 5 days in a typical week, a nine percent increase from last year.
of parents surveyed at family resource centers said they would recommend Children's Bureau to other families.

455 fathers gained skills, knowledge and improved family bonding through Dads Matter.
low-income children improved school readiness skills and received developmental and health screenings.

47 partner organizations at 79 sites guided 2,637 families on child development and parent education through our NuParent program.
visits to
at-risk families with young children
in need of parent education and services.
organizations used
FAF Software
throughout the
U.S. and Canada,
reaching more than

hours of mental health therapy and counseling helped 4,518 children and their families.

94% of foster children who left Children's Bureau care found a permanent family to support and love them.

There are numerous risk factors that contribute to child abuse and neglect including poverty, isolation, domestic violence and mental illness. Protective Factors are the positive counterpoint to risk factors that provide a framework for defining child abuse prevention. Children's Bureau uses the research-based protective factors to help families stay safe, healthy and connected.
At the end of fiscal year 2019, 94% of graduates from our Family Enrichment Program strengthened at least one or more protective factors. Here's a snapshot for each area:

Social and emotional competence of children
of parents enhanced
social and emotional
competence of children

Knowledge of parenting and child development
of parents gained
knowledge of parenting
and child development

Concrete support in time of need
of parents accessed
concrete support
in time of need

Parental resilience
of parents increased
parental resilience

Social connections
of families reported
having social connections
For more information about the Protective Factors, please visit the Center for the Study of Social Policy at https://cssp.org/.

Maria came to Children's Bureau, at the recommendation of her sister-in-law, 20 years ago in search of a place for her preschool son and infant daughter. Even though the school year was nearly finished, Maria's son, Jeancarlo, was able to participate in the class for three months. In that short time, Maria says that she and her entire family learned a lot through the activities, songs, reading time and educational field trips. Beyond the class activities, the preschool teacher connected the young students to local magnet schools, furthering their academic success. When it came time to enroll her daughter, Joycelin, she did not hesitate. Maria also participated in the family enrichment program which provided additional child development knowledge, support and fostered her leadership and presentation skills.
"Joycelin had the privilege of participating in the preschool program from the beginning until graduation. It gave her a strong foundation and helped her to focus on her studies and make good decisions," said Maria. Today, Joycelin is enrolled at California State University at Dominguez Hills majoring in child development. Upon graduation, she plans to get a job and pursue her Master's degree. Jeancarlo is scheduled to graduate in 2020 with a degree in computer science from the same university.
Maria says that she feels good about being a part of Children's Bureau and has learned many things over the years through various trainings and experiences in helping other parents just like her. She eventually was hired as an employee of the organization and is currently working in the agency's Prevention Program and for Healthy Families America.
"Without Children's Bureau, I'm not sure how I would have raised my children. The knowledge I've gained has been so valuable and I see that there are different ways to educate children," said Maria. "My husband and I have tried to guide and raise our children in the best way, changing the way we were raised. Children's Bureau helped us to make a real difference in our lives," she added.
Maria is hopeful that her children will graduate, get jobs and improve their lives day by day. She wants them to reach their full potential and to fight, not rest, until they reach their desired goals.
I hope that Children's Bureau expands to more communities so that more families have the opportunity to grow and enjoy success like my family did."

Danny, a married father with a young son, heard good things about the Dads Matter program while in a rehabilitation center for alcohol addiction. "I am a good father, but I wanted to learn how to be a better father ... there is always room for improvement," Danny said. He immediately immersed himself into the 11-week curriculum, openly sharing his struggle with alcohol as well as what it meant to be a father as his own father was absent from his life.
Danny successfully graduated from the Dads Matter and rehabilitation center and is now living with his wife and son. He recently secured a job and started a fitness regime to support his healthier lifestyle. Danny enjoys spending time with his son and looks for creative activities for the two of them to connect and bond. He is taking things one day at a time and says that he tries to not dwell on the past but to reflect on it. Danny says, "I want to ensure that my son knows that I love him every day."

At the helm of Children's Bureau's legacy of success are the business and community leaders who graciously give their time, resources and expert guidance. We value their dedication and partnership in keeping the business of what we do sound and effective. Proudly, 100% of Children's Bureau's directors and trustees made a personal financial contribution to the organization in fiscal year 2019.

Board of Directors
Patrick NiemannErnst & Young LLP
Vice Chairs
Mike BurkeAECOM Shelli Herman
Shelli Herman & Associates Martin Jacobs
Capital World Investors Marilyn "Mindy" Stein
Tikun Olam Foundation
Matt WilsonOaktree Capital Management
Lisa GritznerLG Strategies Hasham Mukadam
Occidental Petroleum Corporation (retired) Sandra V. Naftzger
N3 Cattle Company LLC Sarah Richardson
Optum Janie Schulman
Morrison & Foerster LLP James St. Aubin
MUFG Union Bank Julia Stewart
DineEquity, Inc. (retired) Michael Traylor
Traylor Brothers, Inc. Marc Washington
UR Labs Hope Wintner
Civic Leader
Los Angeles
Board of Trustees
Chris LovrienJones Day
Vice Chairs
O. Jacob BobekCBRE - Los Angeles Steven Moore
Brentwood Associates
Randy BortSandTree Holdings, LLC
Damon FisherKirkland & Ellis LLP
Greg BarnesLockton Insurance Brokers, LLC Kenneth Baronsky
Sidley, Austin LLP Bryan Boghosian
Deloitte & Touche LLP Stephanie Campbell
DIRECTV, Inc. (retired) Tom Casarella
Oaktree Capital Management Matt Clark
Wells Fargo Securities Chadd Davis
ETONIEN Cecily Dean
Civic Leader Kathleen Duncan
Civic Leader Brian Ford
Kirkland & Ellis LLP Michael J. Fourticq, Sr.
Hancock Park Associates Damon Frier
Grant Thornton Kris Galashan
Leonard Green & Partners, LLP Curt Himebauch
Ernst & Young LLP Bradley D. Knyal
Energy Efficient Equity Jordon L. Kruse
Oaktree Capital Management Roger M. Laverty, III
Pacific Premier Bank Richard Magnuson
Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors Jim Marasco
Wells Fargo Capital Finance Kelly Masuda
Caruso David Nemecek
Kirkland & Ellis LLP James Pade
Clearlake Capital Group Matthew V. Pauley
Great American Capital Partners, LLC Matt Peterson
AETHOS Consulting Group Adam Pierce
Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. Corey Printup
The RLJ Companies Amanda Ruch
Capital Group Peyman Salehi
City National Bank Kunal Soni
The Carlyle Group Clinton R. Stevenson, Jr.
West Coast Housing Communities, LP Salvador Villar
Mercado Plus James R. Walther
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP Matt Wilson
Oaktree Capital Management Casey Winters
Orange County
Board of Trustees
Lori IrvingU.S. Bank
Janice BachmannDisneyland Resort Jeffrey Fields
Windes Inc. Vanessa Flores
Capital Group Companies, Inc. Christopher Hutnick
Deloitte & Touche LLP Kevin Prewett
Ingram Micro, Inc. Gina Primeaux
Deloitte & Touche LLP Jaclyn Stahl Attorney Keven J. Yue
Datapath North America
Newly Elected &
Returning Leadership
Board of Directors
Dine Brands Global Dr. Surendra Jain
AppleCare Medical Management, LLC (retired) Carrie Tilton
Civic Leader Andy Wong
CBS Television
Los Angeles
Board of Trustees
O. Jacob BobekCBRE - Los Angeles David Kass
Leonard Green & Partners, LLP Michael Swartz
McKool Smith Kyle Wheeler
First Beverage Group
Orange County
Board of Trustees
Gina PrimeauxDeloitte & Touche LLP
Staff Leadership
Ronald E. Brown, Ph.D.President & CEO Stephanie Eversfield Chief Development Officer Kymberly Garrett, M.B.A.
Chief People Officer Jacqueline Meek, C.P.A. Chief Operating Officer Gayle Whittemore, C.P.A., M.B.T.
Chief Financial Officer
Advisory Council
Jody AdairMargie Baum
Alan Berkes
David Brown
Mark Carlin
Jim Ford
Mike Fourticq, Sr.
Chris Frank
Linda Garrison
Connie Gavin
Thomas Hacking
Doug Hayes
Mark Lemons
Susana Luna
David Madison
Charlie Marquis
Hector Orci
Keith Renken
Stuart Taylor
Ana Valdez
Hal Washburn


Program Support | ||||
Government Grants & Contracts | $ | 39,614,081 | ||
Private Charitable Support | 3,418,018 | |||
Contributions In-Kind* | 1,313,768 | |||
Total Program Support | $ | 44,345,867 | ||
Other Revenue | ||||
Investment Income | $ | 1,373,801 | ||
Rental and Other Income | 638,244 | |||
Total Other Revenue | $ | 2,012,045 | ||
Total Revenue | $ | 46,357,912 |
*Donated outdoor awareness campaign and legal services

Programs and Services | ||||
Mental Health | $ | 20,015,844 | ||
Prevention | 13,809,054 | |||
Family Foster Care & Adoption | 5,960,465 | |||
Total Programs and Services Expenses | $ | 39,785,363 | ||
Support Services | ||||
Administration and Community Relations | $ | 5,187,296 | ||
Fundraising | 988,876 | |||
Total Support Services | $ | 6,176,172 | ||
Total Expenses | $ | 45,961,535 | ||
Change in Net Assets | $ | 396,377 |
Children's Bureau audited financial statements are available upon request by calling 213.342.0134.

Children thriving in strong communities is everyone's responsibility and wow did you hear us. More than 200 volunteers rallied behind our special events, young professional networks, family activities, team and online fundraisers. Thank you for coming together in a big way to ensure that our child abuse prevention work continues to uplift those less fortunate.

Your generous support of our mission is keeping child well-being at the forefront of issues surrounding families and communities today. You cared. We are deeply humbled. There is hope. This honor roll reflects those individual gifts of $5,000 or more and those organizations who contributed to our programs and services. For a complete list of donors, visit all4kids.org.
Colleagues ($25,000 - $49,999) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carlin
Ambassador and Mrs. Glen A. Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Moore
Ms. Keitha M. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Stein
Sponsors ($10,000 - $24,999) Mr. and Mrs. Austin Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Armour
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Barnes
Mr. Fedele Bauccio
Mr. and Mrs. James Beaubien
Mr. and Mrs. O. Jacob Bobek
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Chadd R. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Vin Di Bona
Mr. and Mrs. Damon R. Fisher
Mr. Brian Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fourticq, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Hayes
Ms. Shelli Herman and Dr. Stewart Gleischman
Mr. and Mrs. Jordon L. Kruse
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Lemons
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Linfesty
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Lovrien
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Magnuson, Jr.
Mr. Saif Mansour
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Masuda
Ms. Sandra Naftzger
Mr. Ron Nayot
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Nemecek
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Nolan
Mr. Andrew Palmer
Mr. Matthew Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Primeaux
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Riley
Mr. Zach Serebrenik
Mr. and Mrs. Kunal Soni
Mr. Clinton R. Stevenson, Jr.
Ms. Julia A. Stewart and Mr. Tim Ortman
Ms. Frances Sweeney
Mr. Richard Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Tilton
Mr. Michael T. Traylor
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Washington, Jr.
Ms. Gayle M. Whittemore and Ms. Alex Glickman
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Casey Winters
Ms. Hope Wintner and Mr. Ted Meisel
Partners ($5,000 - $9,999) Anonymous Donor
Mr. Bryan P. Boghosian
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Brown, Jr.
Ms. Stephanie Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Darol Carlson
Ms. Corina Casco and Mr. Philippe Shepnick
Mr. and Mrs. Ben DeJong
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Frier
Mr. Brian S. Gaede
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kristofer Galashan
Ms. Linda S. Garrison
Ms. Lisa Gritzner
Ms. Carolyn F. Hemann and Mr. Dale Preator
Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hutnick
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Knyal
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Laverty, III
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Leonis
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mackle
Mr. Franklin Kostlan and Ms. Kathleen McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mezger
Mr. and Mrs. Hasham Mukadam
Ms. Melissa Muller
Rebecca & Patrick Niemann Family
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Oetker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Okabayashi
Mr. Nathan Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Pack
The Renken Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ronus
Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Ruch
Mr. and Mrs. Luigi C. Sasso
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Sawyer
Mr. Dean Scarborough
Ms. Janie Schulman and Mr. John Caragozian
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk P. William
Mr. Scott B. Witter
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yoon
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Tikun Olam Foundation, a Support Foundation of the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles
$100,000+ Ballmer Group
The Carl & Roberta Deutsch Foundation
The Crean Foundation
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
The Green Foundation
The Rose Hills Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999 California Community Foundation
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Ernst & Young LLP
Estate of John and Emily Kooken
Krieger Family Trust
The Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation
Orange County Community Foundation
Reissa Foundation
Weingart Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999 AECOM
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Eugene and Marilyn Stein Family Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
The Louis L. Borick Foundation
PayPal Charitable Giving Fund
Pritzker Foster Care Initiative
Michael & Irene Ross Endowment Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles
Maggie and Earl Russell Charitable Foundation
Schwab Charitable
Southern California Grantmakers/ Center for Stategic Public Private Partnerships
The Joseph and Fiora Stone Foundation
Union Bank Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999 AlixPartners
The Annenberg Foundation
Anonymous Donor (3)
Avery Dennison
Brentwood Associates
C R Stevenson Family Foundation
CBRE, Inc.
City National Bank
Clearlake Capital Group
The Corwin D. Denney Foundation
Cushman & Wakefield
Disneyland Resort
Frontstream (formerly TRUiST)
Goldman Sachs & Company
Goodwin Family Memorial Trust
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
HealthCare Partners, A DaVita Medical Group
The Ernest G. Herman Foundation
George Hoag Family Foundation
Ingram Micro, Inc.
Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation
K1 Investment Management, LLC
KB Home
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Latham & Watkins LLP
The League for Children
LVRJC Partnership
Mark C. Lemons Foundation
Wilbur May Foundation
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.
Morgan Stanley
No Ordinary Moments
Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
The Rite Aid Foundation
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Stephanie and Peter Nolan Foundation
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
J.B. and Emily Van Nuys Charities
Variety-The Children's Charity of Southern California
Wells Fargo Capital Finance
Wells Fargo Securities, LLC
Windes, Inc.
$5,000 - $9,999 Alston & Bird LLP
Alvarez & Marsal
Anaheim Ducks Foundation
Anonymous Donor
Aurora Capital Group
Ayco Charitable Foundation
B. Riley FBR, Inc.
Bank of America
Barclays Bank
Besso Limited
The Capital Group Companies, Inc.
CarterPierce, LLC
Charitable Adult Rides & Services, Inc.
The Chicago Community Trust
Credit Suisse
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Disney VoluntEars Community Fund
First Republic Bank
Fleischner Family Charitable Foundation
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
Grant Thornton LLP
Great American Group
Highview Capital
illy caffe North America, Inc
Innovus Advisors, LLC
Jerry & Terri Kohl Family Foundation
Jones Day
Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors Foundation
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
KLM Foundation
LA & SF Specialty
Leonis Family Foundation
Lockton Insurance Brokers, Inc.
Macquarie Capital Advisors
Mar Vista Charitable Foundation
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Muller Family Foundation
National Christian Foundation Northwest
Odyssey Investment Partners
Pacific Mercantile Bank
Therese Plunkett Foundation
Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.
The Roxbury Charitable Foundation
San Francisco Giants
The Simms/Mann Family Foundation
Grace Helen Spearman Charitable Foundation
The Caryll M. and Norman F. Sprague Jr. Foundation
Morrison & Foerster LLP
Traylor Bros., Inc.
U.S. Bank
UniHealth Foundation
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Carl E. Wynn Foundation

Are you interested in being part of the future story to prevent child abuse? You can ensure the agency continues to grow with a legacy gift. And, the best part, an entire generation of children will thrive because of it. To learn more, visit all4kids.org.

Rhonda Fleming Carlson
Ruby and Edmond* Davis
Mary Anne and A. Redmond Doms
Linda S. Garrison
Beth Goldfarb Jackson and Jeffrey Jackson
Connie and Doug Hayes
Dr. M. Alfred Haynes and Mrs. Hazel Haynes
Ambassador James D. Hodgson* and
Mrs. Maria Hodgson*
Tina M. Johann
Marvel and Robert* Kirby
Martha and Alex Morales
Dr. James and Judy Nelson, in honor of Jason
Royal Radtke
Joan* and Keith Renken
Carmine Salvucci
Sandy Sladen
George A. Studer
Ana Lourdes and Salvador Villar
Alice and Don Willfong*
Three Anonymous Members