Dear Friends,
With resounding momentum and enthusiasm, I proudly share that 2017 was a game changer for Children’s Bureau. You might wonder how a 113-year old nonprofit continues to evolve and be relevant. The answer is in our people—volunteer leaders, employees, donors and supporters—who are deeply committed to strengthening children, families and communities. You encourage us to think differently, and, this year, we did so in a remarkable way. While others strive to be bigger or offer more services, Children’s Bureau is focused on impact and how can we effectively change not only people’s lives but more broadly the systems and policies that define our work.
We started by looking at where it all began, our vision and mission, and revitalized these statements to guide us into a new era. We also set thoughtful priorities that boldly direct us for now and the future. We’re committed to continuing our work in providing quality prevention programs. We’re enhancing our advocacy voice to push government to invest more in prevention. We’re growing Children’s Bureau’s infrastructure so we can realize our full potential. And, we remain committed to the Magnolia Community Initiative, sharing our learning to help other communities nationally and beyond.
We will not give up on the vulnerable families who need our help. Like you, they want to see their children grow and succeed. Together, we can make this happen. After all, our momentum begins with you.
With deep appreciation,
Alex Morales
President & CEO
It has been so rewarding to travel on Children’s Bureau’s magical journey of changing children’s lives for the better. I am eternally grateful to have been part of its rich legacy. It wouldn’t have happened without YOU!