Help At-Risk Kids Stay in Their Communities

In Los Angeles County alone, the foster care population exceeds 33,000 children. Within the local foster care program, 200 of those foster children are waiting for an adoptive family and place to call home.

Many of these foster youth are siblings in need of a resource family that is willing and able to keep them together. Because the number of foster kids in need of care exceeds the number of foster family applicants available, our foster care agency is forced to turn away 10+ sibling sets weekly. We wish this weren’t the case.

Our team at All For Kids works to strengthen at-risk families and local communities so that every child can grow up safe, nurtured and full of life. We empower you to make a difference in your own communities by becoming a foster parent.

Help local at-risk youth by giving them a home that’s familiar, nearby, and inclusive to their foster siblings. You have the opportunity to change a child’s life. Continue reading to learn more about resource families, foster care and foster-adoption process.

Get Started on Your Journey

  • Join our orientation.

    Get introduced to our foster-adoption agency. Our orientations aim to help you learn and ask questions you might have about the foster care agency, foster parenting, or the foster-adoption process. All orientations are now held virtually. Below are additional options and resources for learning more about our foster care agency and programs:

    1. Attend a Virtual Group Orientation
    Attend a 1-hour virtual group orientation hosted by a All For Kids team member (via Zoom). Held monthly from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM PST in English and quarterly from 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM PST in Spanish for prospective foster parents and those interested in learning more. To attend one of the following session dates, email us or click here.

    • September 19, 2024 (English)
    • October 17, 2024 (English and Spanish)
    • November 21, 2024 (English)
    • December 19, 2024 (English)

    2. Learn at Your Own Pace

    Review an easy-to-follow PowerPoint Orientation at your own pace. Simply email to request the digital presentation on our foster care and adoption.

  • Complete the application.

    If you are interested in becoming a foster or foster-adopt parent, make sure to complete an application. (Please note - our application process requires resident information, relationship history, references and further details to become a licensed foster parent. We recommend setting some time to complete the application in its entirety.) Click here for the application. Once complete, email your application to

  • Call for information.

    A team member will be happy to answer any questions. The toll-free number is 800.730.3933. We look forward to speaking with you!

  • Sign up for E-News.

    Stay informed about our program through a monthly e-newsletter with specific content for prospective foster parents and/or foster-adoptive resource parents. Click below to sign up.

Foster Care and Adoption E-News

Learn More About Becoming a Resource Parent

Related Family and Children’s Services

Most Commonly Asked Questions

Making the decision to become a resource parent is often filled with questions. We asked several of our resource parents to candidly answer the most commonly asked questions about the process. Enjoy this video series or visit our YouTube channel.

Be Inspired

Read about families brought together or click below to watch All For Kids families share their unique stories to foster and/or foster-adopt children in their community.

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